Running Trail


Halfway Hashers gather every Wednesday night to experience the thrill of hashing.  Hashers should arrive between 6pm and 6:15pm so as they are ready to commence the run at 6:30pm.   Unless notified, the run will finish at the start location. 

The run start is called by the GM who identifies any virgin runners for the pack to look out for and ensure they do not become lost.  The Hares then advise the pack of any points of note about the run (no hills etc.), before setting the pack off.

The Trail is generally only known by the Hares, and is unknown by the rest of the pack.  The Hares may give the TRAILMASTER a map if the Hares feel the Trail may be difficult to follow in parts.

The Trail is defined by a series of Hash markings which, when followed will lead the pack over the Trail and eventually back to the ON ON.   Whenever a Hasher encounters a Trail marker, it must be called ON ON.  Hashers need do only two things on a run - FOLLOW THE TRAIL and CALL, CALL, CALL.  There can never be enough calling. 

The markings and their calls on the run are as follows:-

Mark: ARROW(s) Single arrow, double arrow or a flour/paper marker.

Call: “ON ON”   - every runner calls “ON ON” whenever an arrow is seen, (especially double arrows).  

“ON ON” is also called in response to calls of “ARE YOU” from back runners, when you are on Trail.

Mark:      A CHECK  (two way, three way, 360 or the like)

Call:      “CHECKING” - immediately upon reaching the check, front runners call “CHECKING” and as other runners arrive at the check the call is taken up by them until the runner who finds the True Trail calls “ON ON”.

“CHECKING”   is also called in response to calls of “ARE YOU” from back runners, when you are checking for Trail.

Call:     “ON ONE”  - when an arrow is found from a check, “ON ONE” is called to signify to the pack that an arrow has been found.  This alerts the pack to the possibility that True Trail MAY be lead this way.

Call:       “ON BACK”  - when True Trail is found from a check, the pack at the check must then call “ON BACK” to alert the other runners who are checking in other directions.

Mark:     “F. T.”    False Trail

Call:      “FALSE TRAIL” - to be called immediately an “F.T.” marking is found.  The hound(s) on the False Trail should return to the check and help search for True Trail.

Mark:     “C. B.” Check Back

Call:      “CHECK BACK” - when C.B. is sighted, the pack should go back to the last intersection and search for True Trail.  (Trail could be in any direction from the intersection, but should be within 10 metres and marked by double arrows)

Mark   “R. G.”  Re Group

Call:      “RE GROUPING” - immediately upon reaching a Re Group, the front runners shall give this call.  The call is kept up by the pack until the last runner arrives.

Mark:        “R. G.  SONG”  Re Group with a song

Call:      “RE GROUPING  -  HASH SONG” - This is the same as a normal Re Group, however when the pack has gathered, the Choirmaster (or any nominated hasher) leads the pack into a short Hash Song.   The pack is normally readied for a song, by the Choirmaster leading with “Me Me Me Me Me Me Meeeeee”   The pack immediately departs the Re Group after the song, leaving the locals within earshot wondering what just happened.    


Mark:       “D. S.”    Drink Stop

Call:      “DRINK STOP”  a drink stop is a special form of Re Group, where the Hares provide a refreshing drink for the thirsty hashers. 

Mark:      NO Markings (or the lack of Trail)  - the Trail should be marked at regular intervals.

Call:     “CHECKING”   is called when it is suspected that Trail has been lost, or if hounds are unsure that they are on Trail.

Call:      “ARE YOU”   If no one ahead of you is calling “ON ON” and you haven’t seen any markings for more than 100 metres (Everyone Must Look For Markings) you should call “ARE YOU”.  Runners ahead of you must respond to such a call immediately with either “ON ON” or “CHECKING”.

Mark:     ON HOME or - a series of incremental XXs beside the arrows

Call:   “ON HOME”   The On Home marking indicates that home (the ON ON) is very close and no further arrows may be encountered.   Incremental X(s) beside arrows indicate that beer is getting near.  XXXX will be the last of the arrows before reaching home (the ON ON).

Some Hash Calls are made to warn other hashers of dangers or features on the Trail.  Examples of this are:  “HASH  CAR”,  “HASH  SHIGGY”, and “HASH  ROOT”.  The list is endless as are the obstacles one may encounter on the run.


An important part of Hashing is the “ON ON” - where the hounds gather to enjoy refreshing drinks, socialising, the circle and Nosh at the end of the run. 

Hash House Harriers are a non-profit organisation and hounds are required to contribute to the running of the club by paying their run dues for the night to HASH CASH. Hares are reimbursed their expenses by the HASH CASH to a maximum amount set by the club.

Refreshments are generally provided by the HASH  BREWMASTER who collects the money for drinks taken.  (unless the ON ON is at a licensed venue)

Prompt payment for Nosh and drinks is expected.  Helping oneself to a “free drink or free  night” is considered theft from your fellow Hashers and is not tolerated.

After a period of socialising and when all the hounds have returned from Trail, the GMs call a CIRCLE and address the rabble.

The CIRCLE is run by the Grand Master(s) or their representative and brings to account by way of charges, the Hares, Visitors, Hash Virgins and Hashers that may have committed indiscretions

Charges are dealt with by the administering of a “Down Down”.   A “Down Down” commences with the circle singing an appropriate “Down Down” song, when the words “Down Down Down Down,” are sung, then the drink is skulled. 

Charges from the floor are allowed at the GM’s discretion.  Announcements are also made in the circle.