Hares and Scribes Info


Setting a Run?  How to set a run is described on this website (Setting Trail) and also in the 'Halfway Hashers Guide'  (Download Document)


Cook for 15. Maximum pay out for Nosh is $90, and that includes drinks and nibbles for drink stop and Down Downs.  If there are more than 20 hashers present, Hash Cash will reimburse an additional $5/head.

Please keep in mind, when preparing meals that we do have,  Vegetarians as well as Gluten and Dairy intolerant members. 

Please try and cater for expected numbers.  Runs need to make a profit of about $1 a head to cover sundries.  If 15 members (not the hares) attend, then Nosh should cost around $90  ($6 x 15)  and the Club should be fine financially.   

Hash Cash has the discretion to make higher payments, provided there are increased numbers in attendance.

Shopping Aid

Please see GM or Hash Cash if you need help in shopping cheaper.

RECEIPTS are required for reimbursement.

Gluten and Dairy Free Catering: NOTE:  Lactose free is not Dairy free. 

Catering is easier than you think.  Meat, vegetables, fruit, fish, and salads are all acceptable foods.  The trick is, when preparing Nosh, cook the meat and the vegetables, assemble the salad, but keep two serves or more aside, (they likely won’t be having any nibbles or desserts) before adding any dairy products, dressing, gravy, flour, or sauces.  Simple!   They will love you for it, because they will be able to eat it!

If you have Gluten free and Dairy free sauces, gravy, dressings, do NOT add them to their serves until they have checked the packaging.  

Note that sausages, sauces, chips, ice cream and most prepared foods contain gluten.  Be careful of dairy on a Gluten free Pizza…

Hash Pots, Rice Cookers, and Slow Cooker.  

If you need any or all of these to cater for your run, then contact Call Girl - 0413 456 078  - in advance and arrange to collect them.

Hash Lights. 

If you need the lights at your run, then contact   Call Girl - 0413 456 078  - in advance and ask her to bring them to your run.


Please send your run reports - by the following  SUNDAY to:         halfwayhash@gmail.com